Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little Princesses

So, the day the girls turn 3 1/2 is a good day to write about their 3rd birthday, right?


This year, back when it was their birthday, I decided to give each girl their own special day.  I kept it low-key, but they really did feel special!  They got to choose a pretty dress and tiara to wear, go on a one-on-one outing with me, have a “Jell-o cake”, and open a gift.  I even granted their wishes—sort of.  Lana got a toy dinosaur, Gwyn toy horses, Maddie a toy airplane, and Everett got to eat Jell-o three days in a row!

Lana (“baby A”)


Gwyn (“baby B”)


Maddie (“baby C”)


We also decided to splurge and take them to Giggles and Smiles at the mall.


These girls sure LOVE dressing up.  I love how simple little things make them so happy!


Here are some photos from our family party (yes, I have way too many photos—three birthdays you know!):


Happy un-birthday my little sweethearts!


Sherry said...

how sweet they all look- very clever idea, also!

Lara Neves said...

Such a great idea to make them each feel special.

Love the princess for a day idea!

3 Peas N A Pod said...

Wonderful pictures.... Your girls remind me so much of my trio.

shannon said...

Boy, do you ever have your hands full...but you seem to be managing with flying colors! They all look so happy---and OH SO CUTE!!

I love how Everett's wish was to have jello 3 days in a row...I wish my wishes were that simple...

Jamie Sage said...

Hey Aunt Mandy....why is Em and I's picture first? I feel self conscious knowing that my picture is up....

Mandy said...

Sorry about yours being first. I uploaded them and then couldn't change the order. I'll take it out if it would make you feel better.