The children are really becoming articulate at this point (at least in my ears), but I really love some of the little "errors" they make. I almost hate when they grow out of them! Here is a list of some of the cute things each child was saying at age two:
bassasauce = applesauce
brellella = umbrella
bananana = banana
You're discombobalated. = You're discombobulated. (Cary was really proud of that one.)
Everett also did the Tigger song, including the cute growl at the end.
Gip-paboo = Peek-a-boo
I no no no know. = I don't know.
Cwinkew, cwinkew wittew staw... bup-pa-buv... = Twinkle, twinkle little star... up above...
Smee-me. = Excuse me.
I luv-oo, Mama. = I love you, Mama.
La-behwe -or- Wa-behwe = Gwyn's name for Lana. At first she called her "Nana" or "Lana", but recently she has started copying her brother, who often calls Lana "Lanabelle".
Okay? = what she says--along with pats on the back--when one of her siblings is coughing or choking
Lake up! = Wake up!
deelisuss = Delicious
me too too! = me too!
Clee-mup = Clean up
Happy, now = what she says after she's been upset and calms herself down