Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Eggs

Think about three two-year-olds dying Easter eggs. Any images coming to your mind? We actually had four children ages two and under dying eggs at our house on Saturday, and it actually went well! Thanks to Grandma, Uncle Jordan, and Aunt Celina, we had a lot of supervision. (I don't know if I would have tried it without them--thanks guys!) Here's a picture of most of the crew. Little Daniel, Cary, and Grandma aren't in the shot.

DSC00220 the gang

Celina, Maddie, Everett, Jordan, Lily, Melina, Emily, Lana, Gwyn, me, Rosie

Two of my girls were very patient and absorbed. They let their eggs sit in the dye and were intently observing the new experience.

Maddie wore a very serious expression the entire time.

DSC00187 Maddie easter DSC00198 Maddie easter 2

And here's Gwyn. She did not want to leave the table when we were done.

DSC00193 Gwyn easter DSC00209 Gwyn easter 2

Lana was a much more "hands-on" kind of girl. I had to periodically move the cup out of reach to avoid disaster.

DSC00190Lana Easter DSC00192 Lana Easter 2
DSC00194 Lana 3 DSC00195 Lana 4

She doesn't like most food, but apparently vinegar isn't so bad! She also cracked open an egg, tasted it, and decided she didn't like it. She then very carefully...

DSC00208 Lana 5 DSC00215 Lana 6
DSC00216 Lana 7 DSC00217 Lana 8
...put it back together!

And Everett did just fine on his own this year!

DSC00197 Everett easter

We had a really good time with everyone, and the kids played so nicely together. Here's Lily playing with Everett and Gwyn and Maddie:

DSC00227 easter


Lara Neves said...

Looks like it went very well. The first time Bria ever dyed eggs at age 2, it was kind of like Lana, but worse. She'd reach right in and smash eggs, she was covered in dye by the time she was through. Very funny. :)

Lindsay said...

Mandy, I appretiate your comments on my blog. Looks like you have a beautiful family.

I don't post in Blogger. I downloaded Windows Live Writer and that is what I write all my posts through. It is MUCH easier. I don't like Blogger either. It's free, give it a try!